For Ryan
Sweet Treats
Established 2021
What We Offer
Specialty Treats & More!
Why Choose Blue Zebra
Handcrafted with Love
Freshest Ingredients
Customized for your Needs
Homemade Goodness
Did I Mention TASTE!
Although he is not physically here with us, I know Ryan is proud of me and has been there for me every step of the way. Through every unsuccessful bake, he has been there to motivate and encourage me to keep trying. Ryan is my ultimate inspiration.
Who is Blue Zebra?
Blue Zebra Bakery was created in 2021 to honor a very special and wonderful person, Ryan Schutt. Kimberly found baking through her on-going journey of grief after losing her husband to Neuroendocrine Cancer in 2019. During the darkest of hours, Kimberly was able to reconnect to life and find joy through her newfound passion for baking.
Happy Customers
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Duis pulvinar sem sed metus vehicula, et suscipit sapien iaculis. Maecenas sodales, massa sed lacinia euismod, ligula erat gravida turpis, eget posuere purus felis non ex. Donec eget fringilla dolor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum quis rutrum velit.